Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Twilight Guy Report!

This is absolutely THE CUTEST Twilight Guy Report Ever! You can check out his site here: http://www.twilightguy.com/ or read the article below:


I'm marking this as anonymous because this story makes me blush more than Bella, and I'd be mortified if any of my friends found out.

My girlfriend is a BIG fan of these Twilight books. And one day we were on a date, and we were walking through the park after dinner. She and I were talking, and the subject of Twilight came up some how. She was telling me how Edward was the perfect guy. I asked what made him so perfect, and she replied with a long list of things, including

"He loves Bella so much he'd die for her, he's a vampire, he's SUPER strong, and he SPARKLES!"

Well, I was interested in becoming the perfect guy, and I'm not exactly super-strong, nor in a situation to die for my girlfriend. So I came up with another way to make her realize that I could be close to perfect, too.

I went home that night, raided my little sister's craft box, and found some glitter. I sprinkled the bottle all over myself; my arms and legs, my feet, even my hair! Then I walked over to my girlfriend's house (she happens to be my neighbor) climbed up to her window (using a ladder that I brought from my house) and knocked on her window. She looked a little surprised to see me at her window in the dark, but she let me in anyway.

When I stepped through her window and she turned on the lights and saw the sparkles, she was thrilled. She proudly proclaimed me to be as perfect as Edward; vampire or not.."

Submitted by anonymous

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