Saturday, July 26, 2008

Breaking Dawn Cover

I know that this is kind of last minute. But I just realized something. I have a theory about the colors and symbols used for the book covers in the series. I believe that starting in New Moon, Stephenie Meyer started using the colors red and white to represent Jacob and Edward. Red for Jacob because of the warmth his body gives off and white for Edward because his body is cold and hard like stone. I believe that the colors combined in the flower on the cover of New Moon symbolize that Bella has choices now. I also think that the red ribbon breaking in Eclipse represents Jacob's breaking point. Bella made her choice and Jacob isn't going to be a part of it. Also the newest addition to the book covers is that of Breaking Dawn. At first sight i thought that the white chess piece in the front was a king, so it represented that Bella really did make her choice to be with Edward. But the i looked closer and realized that it was a queen. The white represents Edward whose body is hard and cold because he's a vampire. The pawn piece in the back is red. Red commonly represents warmth. So I think it means Bella chose to be a vampire, because the piece is a queen not a king. The pawn represents that Bella chose to leave her warmth and mortality behind.

Breaking Dawn Quote of the Day

BD Quote of the Day

Sam: “This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area.”

Friday, July 25, 2008

Twilight Tees and Calendar!!

Hey, Twilight Tees are now available at Hot Topic. Prices are from $22-24. Also the Twilight Calendars are now on sale at Borders. They are full color and have really cool pictures!!!!

Breaking Dawn Quote of the day.

The quote of the day is...

Edward:"You look so guilty—like you’ve committed a crime."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Breaking Dawn quote of the Day!

Today's quote is....

Rosalie: "Over my pile of ashes."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twilight Movie Posters

Twilight movie posters are now for sale on! The sizes are as follows:
Twilight (Embrace) Movie Poster - 11" X 17"
Twilight (Embrace) Movie Poster - 27" X 40"
Twilight Original 27x40 Double Sided Movie Poster - Not A Reprint
Twilight (Embrace, Huge) Movie Poster - 40" X 60"

10 Magazine covers.....

The LA Times has posted about 10 Magazine Covers that shook the world and surprise, surprise! The Entertainment Weekly cover that had Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on it made the list! here's the link:,0,5472017.photogallery?index=9

Generation Kill

I received word today that Kellan Lutz, who will be playing Emmett Cullen in the upcoming Twilight Movie, is in the second episode of Generation Kill also. His character is named Jason Lilley, Although Kellan's Imdb page says that he is only in the first episode of the show, he apparently also appears in the second! Just posting to let you know that you can go support our Emmett Cullen by watching Generation Kill on HBO every Sunday at 9 EST.

Twilight Quiz

Here's a link to a quiz that Mtv made!

Quote of the Day!

Today's Breaking Dawn quote of the day is:Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away."

aaawww!!! Isn't he sweet? Team Edward!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twilight Tuesday!

Once again! It's our favorite day of the week, Twilight Tuesday! Here's a link to this weeks article!

Breaking Dawn quote of the Day

Today's Breaking Dawn quote of the day is...

Renee: "Alice wouldn't let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out."

Monday, July 21, 2008

New Moon, the movie?

There is now an Imdb page for the New Moon movie! Click to view it here. Could we possibly have all the Twilight Books be movies!?

Quote of the Day

Today's Breaking Dawn quote of the day is....

Edward: "Oops."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Something New

Once again, just as i return from vacation, i'm needed to disappear from blogging again! I'm going to try something new. During the 13 days we have left until Breaking Dawn, I'm going to post my theories and the reasoning behind them! ;] Stuff like that! If you have anything that you would like to hear my comments on or my thoughts, please just leave a comment to this post with your idea! Your input is greatly appreciated!


Quote of the Day

and the Breaking Dawn Quote of the day is...

Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."
Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood."