Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Pages and Movie stuff

Okay Everyone! Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, but I'll do a new chapter tonight. First I'm proud to say i added a new page full of some pictures[[I'll add more soon]], it's on the right of the posts!
Also I have a new page of the cast list and Actor pictures, stuff like that. Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Twilight Chapter One: First Sight

Okay now, Chapter One:

Summary: Bella Swan moves to Forks to live with her Dad, Charlie. She misses Phoenix and she goes to her first day of school. She sees Edward Cullen and his family for the first time. When she's in biology, she realizes that he seems to be acting odd.

Clumsy by Fergie [In dedication to dear Bella :]
Paralyzer by Finger Eleven [Edward was Paralyzed by his thirst for Bella]
Stop and Stare by One Republic [For the cafeteria scene]

So, during this chapter i froze and thought to myself? "Okay Molly, don't freak out, there's about 300 more pages left. It'd be too depressing if he killed her now." But also, when she first saw him, even i was intrigued. She was in the cafeteria and i thought to myself, hhhmm... I wonder how hard this is for him. I just wanted to be able to sit there with her and stare at them!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Twilight Love Letters

"Bite Of Twilight" posted that if you send in love letters to the cast or any of the characters,
they'll get them to the people or Stephenie Meyer.
Here's the link

Monday, June 9, 2008


Hey Everyone, uummm... I'm kind of new to this sooo.. fyi, if you hate Twilight? this is DEFINITELY not the right blog for you.[just letting you know], so, I decided to start this blog because i absolutely LOVE TWILIGHT! I started reading somewhere around November 2007. I woke up this morning and thought to myself, I'll start a blog today!! [random I Know] I will be proud if i have more than 10 people that ever read this :]
I may post about cool news that is interesting, stuff like that.
Anyways, I have read the series more than is healthy for the average human, but every few days [or so] I'll make a new post about a chapter with a playlist for it. yeah.. that's about it!